Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"I Never Gone with the Wind, Just Let it Flow; Let it Take Me where it Wants to Go"

It's been a while, a good while :)

I've started up a journal again so that's probably why. I'm really trying to get back into writing, get into the swing of it; not that I never stopped but I need to write out my thoughts and prayers clearly again, not just 'blog' about it or write is musically (though writing it musically is probably my favorite ways of writing).

Today, I saw Avatar the Last Airbender! :) it was gooooood. But Brooke and I realized something as we pondered upon the Bendin...

you need air in all four of the elements: in water, in fire, in nature, and in air itself; to produce the element.

Like you need God in all elements of your life to produce faith, hope, love...

Yes. God is our air. We breathe Him in.

In the movie "A Walk to Remember", the movie ends with the main character (memory loss, what was his name again?) talking about how he feels his girlfriend in the end (if you haven't seen the movie, I kinda just gave away the ending. Sorry.)And it reminded me of the amazing book I read, "Orphaned Anythings: A Memoir of a Lesser Known" by Stephen Christian. He talked about feeling God in the wind towards the end of the book, so whenever the wind blew, He would feel Gods presence.

It's like this: you know the wind is there. You can't see it, but you can feel it.

That's exactly what God is.

--Chrissy Z