Saturday, September 11, 2010

the Organs of a Piano.

Yesterday, I cleared the top of my piano clean (the way it SHOULD be) and opened it up. I clicked a few keys and watch the wooden levers tap the metal strings inside the Yamaha Spinnit. It's all so beautiful to me, how much beauty can be drained out of piano-- and all from the mechanics inside. Am I stange for opening up my piano when I play instead of leaving it closed like it usually is? I don't really care if the answer is yes.

I like to open things up. I like to open people up. I like to see the inside of things. Because the inside, that's where the beauty happens. The inside is what's naturally making eveything work; and you can say that about almost anything. A human body-- all the organs and bones on the inside are what make the body function properly and beautifully. Same with a piano, or pretty much any instrument. Any form of technology, a computer, a tv. Even with houses-- you don't like a house because of it's outside, do you? For some people, the outside of the house does count for something, but you're not going to buy a house because 'it looks pretty'. What's on the inside?

I guess that's why I ask such random questions to people. It's all in the process of opening them up; making them think outside of there image. Going beyond what they see with there eyes, but rather; seeing what's inside of the world and themselves. It's going beyond this natural 'mask' they put on. What is behind that mask? Opening people up I find, is one of my favorite things to do. To see what a human thinks, or why he/she makes the desicions she makes, fascinates me and gets people closer to helping eachother. I just wish people could learn to accept and love the insides of other people, and see the potential they have.

Every human being has potential in SOMETHING (even if it's having potential in being potential.) That alone is a glimpse of hope. but when a human is hypocritical enough to call someone stupid, that's not subtracting hope itself but subtracting the insulted human being from seeing the hope.

When you see a book, you don't just look at the cover, right? That's not what books were made for. They were made to look inside and see all the amazing things that can be learned, or finding extreme wonders that the human mind would never think up of on its own.

Why don't we try opening up someone? Let's not open up people to insult/criticize them, but accept/love/help them. Appreciate them, be fascinated but the extreme wonders they have come up with or experienced.

Because it's one of the most beautiful things; listening to an open piano being played.

--Chrissy Z

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Deserted Fountains Rescued

in the deserts
of the heart,
let the healing
fountain start.

In the prison
of his days
Teach the free man
how to praise.

--WH Auden

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Meant to be Wild, Meant to be Beautiful.

An old woman who's probably been scarred a trillion times more then she is scarring her own grandaughter by screaming at her, telling her what she does wrong and that she is a little brat. An old woman who doesn't take the time to see what potential her grandaughter has, and that she should actually try to be more childlike; rather then being childish and screaming at the poor innocent soul who will probably rebel from her innocence because of how the old woman's treated her.

And all I do is sit and watch. Maybe I tell the girl once in a while, "It's okay, what she's saying is not true." And encourage her. But in the end, what can I truly do? And if I can do something what is stopping me from doing it?

My very good friend once said, roses were meant to be wild; and people trim them and cut them and try to make them look pretty for the inside of their houses.

When in the end, it's only God that can make these roses beautiful. They were meant to grow naturally and wildly; not being cut up and brought in contained houses.

Have you ever just wanted to adopt a person to take care of on your own?


--Chrissy Z