Sunday, February 24, 2013

Step #1

You are never going to move or take any kind of action unless you allow yourself to.

Are you thinking I just stated the obvious? Then again, with us being humans and all, we often have to be reminded of the obvious quite a few times.

I'll give a physical example. There is a young and sweet girl who is getting behind the wheel of the car for the first time to learn to drive. She is scared out of her wits and just can't bring herself to even start the car. If she never allows herself to even turn the key, she will never be able to drive anywhere.

If you were to think of everything you do in a matter of steps or direction, you wouldn't normally start off with "step #1: come to an emotional acceptance and consensus that you will start and possibly complete this activity." It's sort of implied. Isn't it?

Or, is it?

Before I referred to a physical example, and now I will refer to an emotional one. When a young student goes up to 'church camp' for a week, it becomes very easy to get "pumped for Jesus", meaning; it becomes easy to be enthusiastic about your faith and simple to agree that you want to make a change in your faith for the bolder and the better.

Next, a lot of your friends at camp all feel a similar way. Maybe not all of them, but the majority agree that they are ready to change and grow closer to God.

You eventually get back from camp and discuss what you've learned with the rest if the youth group. Mostly everyone has taken something special from camp- awesome!- and you all agree that you want to grow closer to each other, along with growing closer to the Lord.

A month later, school starts, and so does the decay of your enthusiastic aspirations.

By the way, if i ever used the word 'you' in the past few paragraphs, i was certainly talking about myself, in hopes maybe whoever is reading this can relate.

so Why does this keep happening? Why do we keep declining year after year of going to the all- amazing church camp? Because we didn't acknowledge the "already assumed first step" enough. We didn't think: "step one: allow yourself to fully dedicate yourself to making change happen."

So if an individual must allow themselves to do something, does this also mean that they are the ones who are restricting themselves from doing whatever ambitions they had set forward in the first place?

Yes! Exactly. If we truly 100% want badly to change or move or do anything ambitious, then we would allow ourselves to do just that. But if you notice that you are not moving or starting change, then you might not completely want what you thought you wanted.

I challenge you to think to yourself:

1. What do I truly want to do with my life?
2. Is that what I am currently doing with my life?
3. How did you come to be in the place you are at in life?
4. If I am not where I want to be, what could be a possible reason as to why I am stopping myself from being there?
5. What can/should I do to be there?

Accept and allow yourself to move forward. I struggle with this everyday. You are never alone in your struggle. And remember, God overcomes everything; including whatever reasons we are keeping ourselves from reaching our full potential.