Saturday, July 21, 2012


If you've been to at least one small group at a church or religious facility, you've probably heard of the word "devotional".

The literal definition for the word "devotional" is "Of, relating to, expressive of, or used in devotion, especially of a religious nature."

In these church/small group settings, what they call devotionals is usually what helps people to study the Bible more-- it could even be thought of as a guidline. Worksheets might be handed out with a Bible verse or topic and questions to follow what the verse or topic really means, for example. There are also devotional books to help people understand the Bible (if you have to read a book to understand another book; you KNOW something must be important about BOTH of the books! :).

But never in my life until today have I realized that the word "devotion" is in the word "devotional".

I guess it just slips my mind when I'm in church, or in a small group setting. When I think "devotional", I go back to worksheets and books about THE Book. Never once did it occur to me that devotion is in devotional.

[ di vṓsh'n ]

  1. committed love: deep love and commitment
  2. dedication: great dedication and loyalty
  3. enthusiasm: strong enthusiasm and admiration for somebody or something
Synonyms: attachment, love, fondness, affection, commitment, adoration
Reading this definition helps bolden what a devotional really is, or at least the purpose of devotionals. These authors of the thousands of different types of devotionals thrive (if they have the best of intentions) to help the reader become devoted to Christ Jesus.
When I think of devoted, I think of dedicated. But obviously, the word "dedicated" lacks something that "devotion" has. under the synonyms for devotion you will see love, affection, adoration. It is dedication with LOVE in it. Love alone IS devotion, and vice versa. You can be dedicated to finishing a homework assignment, but are you so in love with homework that you are DEVOTED to it?
I try to read my Bible each morning. Emphasis on try. I try to pray to God everyday. I try to be dedicated to these things as a Christ follower. But do I have the DEVOTION in my heart? Does my love for God motivate me to do more than just read and pray because I'm dedicated? You can easily read the Bible and whisper words to God, but I truly believe you will find yourself doing these things more and more repeatedly and enjoying these things in joy more and more repeatedly if you hold on to a devotion to God-- which soon becomes YOUR devotion to God--being dedicated to Him in love rather than just being dedicated to Him the way you cannot turn in a late homework assignment.
This might seem like I am trying to make a problem where there is none-- "devotion? Dedication? There isn't much of a difference..."-- but so much more joy, understanding, and nearness of Christ will be found once we all turn away from being dedicated to SUnday mornings, Wednesday nights, the youth rooms we recognize and feel comfortable in, and the stage we face as we worship and listen to sermons and turn to being devoted to Christ Jesus; and letting THAT be the reason why we are dedicated to the rest of those things. (I totally wasn't saying being dedicated to those things are wrong, but if we get caught up in those things and forget our love for God-- the reason we're dedicated to those things in the first place-- then honestly, what is the point of all of those things?)
And as I type these things, i am honestly not only typing this for whoever in the world reads this blog but hugely for myself as I struggle with this constantly.
May we always understand and remember why we worship, go to church, and use devotionals-- to be devoted in love and worship to our amazing Father.
 And may His perfect love for you and your love for Him be your motivation in your devtion.