Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Cake on my Hands

Today my 4 year old niece accidentaly put her hand in some of her mom's baby shower cake. She felt really bad and apologized to her mom, who is my sister. Then my sister replied, "It's okay, sweetie. Don't worry about it." And then, my neice began to cry.

Why would my neice choose to cry? Maybe she didn't even choose to, rather; it just out poured from her. Maybe she felt so thankful that her mom would forgive her so easily that all she could do was show her deepest emotion she knows/understands- crying.

I couldn't help after hearing my other sister explain this story to me but think of how representative my neice was of a Christ-follower. We as humans can be so wretched, so broken, so imperfect, and mess up twenty-thousand-trillion times; and in return to our mistakes, other humans look down on us, scoff us off, judge us, and hang pictures of our faces in the "wall of shame" they've built in their minds.

But Jesus was like my sister- actually, my sister was like Jesus- and completely forgaves and puts aside whatever mistakes we feel like we've made or whatever way we've messed up.

Lately my small group has been getting into why we believe what we believe. Sometimes I honestly cannot answer this question fully, in fact; it has been difficult for me to answer it lately. I have grown up in a Christian home, so it's easier to believe in Jesus then to not.

But there is one thing I know for certain and feel firm in in my faith:

if there is a love that exists beyond the measuring systems, universe, and the comprehension abilities we attains as humans, and this love is for me, and not just me, but everyone in the world;

then why would I want to reject it?

and if there are times when I make mistakes I constantly regret and people take note of it and make judgements of me, yet there remains a God who only wants what is best for me and will forgive me no matter what I do,

then why would I want to reject it?

I've stuck my hand in the cake far too many times; yet, God always kneels down to my level to make sure I know He still has mercy and grace waiting for me to embrace, hold and cling to forever.