Friday, August 20, 2010

"Never write about a place until you're away from it, because that gives you perspective”-

I'm not the one to always have the coolest dreams. Lately, my dreams have been consisting of tripped out proportions that don't usually make sense. Hey, its better then the nightmares I use to have, right?

But the other night, the day before my birthday, I had a dream. There were different colored people all sitting at a Burger King, like outside it at tables. They all had sheet music, or at least I think they did; I remember looking at a pile of sheet music. The sheet music each person had was from their own religion. When I woke up, I intrepreted this as these different people having sort of a singing war to seek which religion was the best.

But the next day, I pondered on it. My first thought about the dream was: war. I automatically took it as we were FIGHTING. I thought about it and came to another conclusion-- I didn't remember why we were all there in the dream, or why we were all sharing the sheet music with eachother; but maybe that was just it-- we were sharing it with eachother. Maybe we were just sharing about what we believed in, what we put our faith in.

Why did my first thought have to be "War." ? I have gained two new curiousities from this dream...

a) why do humans think the tiniest bit of controversy means someone wants to start a fight, debate, ect?

b) what happens when people look at a different perspective to get a different result?

Referencing to a). I remember talking with an old aquantance that I hadn't seen in a while about how he was doing. What I got: he resorted to drugs. Parties. Sadness and prayer stand in my heart for him, his definition was misunderstanded and not comforted enough; maybe not even at all. And when he asked me if I didn't go to parties, I don't remember my reply exactly but it was amongst the lines of "Never did, never will. It's just not me" and he asked, "Why are you trying to start a debate?" I felt bad because that's the exact opposite of what I was trying to do, but look at his mind. His first automatic thought when I told him the tiniest disagreement I had with him, he thinks I'm trying to start a war. What a great definition of society. We build up sides, teams; so we can 'debate' or 'fight' or whatever with other teams about what we disagree on, and what our differences are. And with this, it makes me think: all of us are differnent in SOME way. NONE of us are EXACTLY the same. So we might as well just go to war with one another, one on one; why even bother making trusses, right? Wrong. Let's put aside our differences and see what we DO have in common, better yet; let's look at our differences and agree we're different but exactly the same in the fact that:

all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

Letter b. Perspectives. When I changed my angle of perspective on my dream, I got a COMPLETELY different picture. I find that in the littlest of everyday things, if I look at something from a different view or a different thinking then usual; a whole new thought is produced that I can ponder on and think about even more. Take the tree picture above the first paragraph for example. When you first saw it, did you see trees and clouds and the sun? It seemed kinda sketchy, maybe you figured it was just the reflection; but still, looking at it from this angle nature just seems more bolded. When I took this picture, I just thought it looked cool at first; but after looking at it, I asked a few of my friends if they thought it was a reflection or the actual image... the friends I asked agreed it was the actual image. How weird, when turning things in even the SLIGHTEST of an angle, you can see a whole new image; or possibly the same exact thing, but it's tricking your mind.

Is that the devil? Can he look like something beautiful but turn out to be fake? I don't like that thought at all but I think it's true in some cases.

But I mainly liked the idea of making your brain look at something, read something, or even stepping away from your typical opinion on something in a different angle or perspective; you find there's a LOT more than meets the eye. Is this with God as well? Turn our eyes a little bit; maybe stray away from our negative bitter thoughts, maybe towards the thoughts of "could there possibly be a power bigger than I or this world or universe?" or even "could there possibly be someone or something that loves me JUST the way I am, completely?" you COULD go with "could there possibly be something out there that is PERFECT?"

I thought about it tonight: you can't see the whole world at the same time, but you know the rest of the world is there, right? You can't see the wind, but you can feel it and you know it's there, right? Why couldn't this be the same with God?

"Never write about a place until you're away from it, because that gives you perspective”- Ernest Hemingway

"Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius

So maybe, what we DON'T see has truth? This is not a maybe for me, I know it in my heart; but what about you?

If society, if you, if I can learn to change our, yours, my perspective and our way of automatically thinking negatively or "HE/SHE WANTS WAR" maybe we can plant true peace in us, you, me. Maybe we, you, I can actually have clear thoughts, a cleansed mind and soul; souls ringing God's constant songs of promise and love, and with our peaceful & newly cleansed minds we might be able to hear that song. It's playing on the highest volume it can be, society/you/me just decides to listen to other songs sometimes.

God, turn it all the way up. Block out whatever distractions or loud songs are in the way of yours.

Hmm, I like this song; alot :)

--Chrissy Z