Friday, November 25, 2011

the Truth about Truth

there comes a time in one's life where one must ask questions in order to find truth. it doesn't reallymatter what the question is, it could be anything from a math question to a religious question even how to tie your shoe. but the point is; people are in constant search of truth. anything that ends in a question mark is some sort of vantage point into even a minimal portion of the never-ending abyss that is known as truth.

but, truth varies.

what I mean is, truth in modern time has been twisted and shaken and chopped up and modified to fit each individual's standard so truth can never truly be "truthful" at times but rather, just the mere opinion of whoever you are asking.

let's say you are asking two individuals about a religion, for example. let's say the religion is Buddhism. if you ask a Christian or a Morman or even an atheist about Buddhism, they might give you different answers than the Buddhist would tell you. so what is the truth?

but besides truth being based on the giver of truth, it is also shaped by the receiver of this truth as well. the receiver's mind and brain is like a keyhole. if the truth your are trying to place inside one's keyhole doesn't fit, then they donnot understand the truth you are trying to convey. one teacher might explain a certain math problem a certain way, this being a certain "key" if you will; while another teacher explains the math problem in a completley different way (a completely different shaped "key" but it is still trying to convey the same answer to the math problem.) one of these keys fits in the student's keyhole... the other doesn't, adding yet another fraction on finding real truth: HOW is the truth being coveyed? how is the giver shaping the key?

truth (in the modern age)=the person conveying the truth's conception+person receiving it's understanding of this conception+ how the truth is being conveyed.

but now we are still at the same problem as we were before; which was whenever one asks someone a certain truth, they might not give the complete answer. they either throw in a bunch of other elements that are not the complete core one is searching for, or they give a certain level of the answer but not the deepest level of the answer which is the core. so if truth is just these three elements, will we ever find the truth?

yes.. but not by asking humans.

(no, that wasn't an attempt to make you question whether aliens are real or not! pahahaha.)

a person's whole life is seeking truth. we all may say we have an individual purpose for life, or what the meaning of life is; but in the end are we not either trying to find truth or live a certain truth? even for the people that believe there is no meaning or truth, so they just trudge through life and drag on-- that is their truth and purpose (sadly).

but; the true truth will set you free.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

You Won't Starve. Trust me. :)

Fasting:Verb; Abstaining from all or some kinds of food or drink, esp. as a religious observance.

A wise leader in my life challenged me and many others to fast until November 25th. When indulgin in this, it doesn't really need to be food you fast from. I'm fasting from Facebook actually (but NOT from Blogger! :D). Call it "modernized" fasting, but it is still giving up something you partake in regularly to spend more time with the Lord.

And that's what fasting is in a nutshell. When we think of fasting, we usually think of how in the bible people regularly gave up food to spend more time with the Lord. (Think about it: food is pretty regular activity in our days.) My mom actually fasted 40 days from ALL meals when she was in college (what a great way to lose weight! hah.)

But those things-- food, facebook, whatever you partake in regularly; are material. Would you believe that God wants us to fast from others things besides the physical? Fast from certain habits that cause you to fall short or to sin. Fast from bad influences. Fast from judgmental thoughts or negative thinking. Fast from closed-mindedness. Fast from thinking that you are always right and everyone else is always wrong.

But here's the catch: with this kind of fasting, our goals are to fast for the rest of our lives.

It won't be easy. It wasn't easy for my mom to fast for 40 whole days, imagine how it might be breaking away from certain habits, negative thinking, etc. But it can happen, and will happen, if you open your heart up to Christ and let Him come through for you. If you let love come in you and out of you, when it comes out of you it will take all of those habits with you.

You are loved, more than you will ever know. My date to end my fast is November 25th. But for alot of us, our fasting days are until the days we die. Until then, happy fasting.